Corporate Orders

Corporate Orders

Corporate orders are perfect for stores that are processing large orders for events or gifts. Instead of customers calling the store and employees not knowing where to direct them to, the customer can place an order online and the store can follow up directly with them around pricing and order details for events, such as: 
    • Events/Weddings

    • Businesses/Company Happy Hours

    • Corporate Gifting

    • Zoom Wine Tastings

Placing Orders to One Address:
  1. Customers can either use the current website’s inventory or can create a new merchant account where we force a higher in stock quantity for items that customers know they will want. This allows customers to not be limited to the amount of inventory in stock when placing a large corporate/event order.
  2. Stores can offer a white glove service where the order is placed on behalf of the customer through the dashboard. Customers can provide payment over the phone or merchants can send an invoice.
Placing Orders to Multiple Addresses:
  1. Direct customers to to complete an order to multiple addresses. To add additional items outside of the gift sets that are already showcased, tag the inventory items you’d like include with “gift set”. All orders placed on the corporate orders page will automatically be sent as an invoice and can be reviewed under the Corporate Orders page of the Orders section of the dashboard. 

Invoice Payments
  1. Orders that are not paid for with a credit card will show in the dashboard with a Pending Invoice flag. Additionally you can access all pending invoices via the Orders Section in the Pending Invoices section. 

Invoices currently can not be marked as paid via the dashboard however you can export and email the customer a report of all pending invoices by searching their name and then click on the export order button on the top right of the orders page.

Feel free to reach out to for any questions regarding Corporate Orders! 

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